14 ) Why Quantum Gravity is Wave Gravity.

Why Quantum Gravity is Wave Gravity.

Mountains of books have been written and many physicists have expended an important proportion of their research efforts to deal with gravity, but, to judge from the absence of any illustration of it that has reached us, only a small part of the efforts has gone into an attempt to understand “why” this strange and mysterious attraction binds us to the Earth functions as it does.

Newton discovered that the same force that makes the apple fall from the branch keeps the moon from escaping along a tangent and the Earth continues its path around the sun for the same reason that a projectile fired from a canon returns to the ground. But more than that he discovered how to calculate each of these movements.

Einstein has allowed us to develop our knowledge of gravitation and we have used his model of General Relativity to pass to a higher level of knowledge in terms of the behavior of gravitational fields. We are now also able to calculate the precessions in Mercury’s orbit and the deviation of starlight around the sun.

General Relativity has taught us that there is in reality no force creating the apparent attraction between two bodies. Each body is instead falling into a deformation in space caused by the presence of the other.


 Picture 47.  The classical models of General Relativity are shown in the representation of the deformation of space, but they cannot explain the physical reasons or the «whys».

General Relativity, more than any other theory, has brought us closer to understanding “how” the appearance of attraction arises between two masses by teaching us that the geometry of the space of the gravitational field has been distorted. By admitting that distortions exist in the geometric structure of space, we have made a decisive qualitative leap toward an understanding of the force of gravity, but we are not yet in a position to explain “why” space becomes distorted.

When he had discovered “how” the force of gravity worked, Newton escaped the inconvenient obligation of explaining “why?” with his famous phrase:

“Hypotheses non fingo”.

The fact that he could not make gravitation fit the same models he had constructed for electromagnetism intrigued Maxwell, but he was the first to take a significant step closer to the essence of the problem.

Having attributed both electrical and magnetic attraction and repulsion to the action of the surrounding medium and found that these depended on the inverse of the square of the distance, we are naturally inclined to ask ourselves if gravitational attraction, which depends on distance in the same way, is not also to be attributed to the action of the surrounding medium.

How can we explain, Maxwell asked, the fact that the force of gravity attracts whereas the force between electrical charges of the same sign repels. He observed that this would require us to change the sign arbitrarily in passing from the electromagnetic to the gravitational force.

As a result, it would be necessary to add a negative sign for gravitational energy as well. This would lead us into a paradox, Maxwell claimed.

The presence of dense bodies  influences the medium in such a way that it diminishes the energy of the latter wherever there is a resulting attraction. As I am unable to understand how a medium can possess such properties, I cannot proceed further along this line in my search for a cause of gravitation.

Einstein did not formulate any hypotheses on the physical nature of the causes of the distortion in the geometry of gravitational space either, but this did not stop him from discovering new and deeper roots for gravitational phenomena.

I have often asked myself what sources Einstein had for the inspiration that fed the splendid predictions of General Relativity, and for a long time I was unable to find an answer.

Then, just as I put the finishing touches on the Wave Theory of the Field and discovered the simple wave-like nature of inertia, the sources of Einstein’s inspiration became clear to me. Einstein’s entire creative imagination concerning the principles of General Relativity danced around an analogy between inertial and gravitational phenomena.

The ideal experiments on inertial bodies in his famous elevator contained the seeds of all the secrets of gravitation and the interactions between radiation, matter and gravitational fields.


Picture 48.   The equivalence of physical effects in a gravitational field and in constant acceleration showing that the curvature of the ray of light and the extension of the spring are equivalent.

The mathematical proofs came later. From the very beginning, Einstein considered the ideal physical experiments in his elevator to be the most important part of his work. He developed most of the concepts of General Relativity by observing the ideal reactions that occurred there and he connected logically to real physical conditions.

His famous predictions all arose from the ideal experiments he carried out in the elevator. One could say that that imaginary elevator was his true (carefully hidden or perhaps merely undervalued) experimental laboratory.

He subjected every possible similarity and parallel between inertial and gravitational phenomena to strict critical analysis by applying Newton’s laws in every possible variation and according to the most general perspectives of Special Relativity in that elevator.

Only later did he postulate the existence of the Principle of Equivalency that imposed the identity of gravitational and inertial mass in an attempt to address a problem of formal consistency.

In the light of the Principle of Relative Symmetry, we can now observe and under-stand how Einstein’s hypothesis came very close to the truth but can not yet be considered the entire truth. We can now understand Maxwell’s doubts fully and see how close he came to the root of the problem when he thought that the medium surrounding the mass had to possess a possible negative property in some mysterious way.

Our analysis of the local consequences of both positive and negative variations in the wave energy of mass will allow us to demonstrate the nature of the equivalencies and differences between inertia and gravity.

The models of waves and the new interactions in elementary energy allow us to use that negative wave energy that we identified in the local explanation of inertia.

This negative variation in turn allows us to understand what inertia and gravity have in common “without having to postulate any pre-fabricated identity between them.”

 We can now use the Wave Theory of the Field to provide a causal explanation for the variations in the geometry of space and show “why” and “how” space becomes distorted and the precise reasons for the apparent gravitational attraction between masses.

To successfully understand the new wave mechanism of gravitation, consider an ideal experiment in which two unitary masses interact in a simple physical situation. We will use the basic units of the system of meters, kilos and seconds as in Cavendish’s original experiment in which the value of the gravitational constant G was determined experimentally and observed for the first time in a laboratory.

  • Observe two spherical bodies, “ma” and “mb” each with a mass of one kilogram, placed at a distance of one meter from each other.
  • Each body is considered electrically neutral and is isolated ideally in a space free of gravitational and other significant fields.
  • Each body emits spherical waves with wavelength λo at rest.
  • The gravitational force would make these two bodies abandoned by themselves fall toward one another at a constantly increasing approach velocity.
  • To keep the wave situation simple, let us determine the conditions that keep the wavelengths emitted by each body in every direction constant and symmetrical.
  • To achieve this result, bind the bodies with an immaterial thread to resist their tendency to attract one another and hold them immobile in space at the desired distance.

The wave model allows us to observe that the gravitational interaction occurs primarily at points that are all on a straight line that passes through the centers of the two bodies.

  • Observe the behavior of the waves and wave energy along this straight line in the time elapsing between the emission by each body of two consecutive wave surfaces.
  • Divide this interval into several different instants and freeze the positions of the wave fronts in each instant.
  • When we compare the status of the two waves at instants t1 and t2, the first observation that springs to mind is that: the status of the wave energy in the space between the two bodies is “variable”.

 This observation, which appears banal in terms of waves and is inconceivable in any other context, is the determining factor in the quantum and wave explanation of gravitation.

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 Picture 49.  Situation of the waves between two immobile bodies of equal mass in which we observe the wave variation that determines the quantum gravitational interaction in space-time of the elementary waves originating in the two masses.

Each time a wave traverses a quarter of its wave length, an energy variation is produced inside the system between the two sources of waves of mass whereas the situation outside the system does not vary. 

  • We have learned from the Principle of Relative Symmetry that when a unilateral situation that is variable asymmetrically arises in a body’s wave state of symmetry, happens a corresponding wave variation in the energy surrounding it.
  • The body then tends to move accordingly to reestablish the “symmetry” disrupted by the variation in the wave energy surrounding it.
  • We see from picture 49 that wave energy is variable in the space between one mass and the next.

Taking from the experiment the concept that masses can be summed together as a given fact, consider the equality of the sum of the wave energies of the two masses of equal values.

  • Thus observe the energy at a point situated outside the segment that identifies the distance between the two bodies along the straight line on which the distance lies.

It is: E a b = E a + E b = 2 E.

We can confirm that the identical situation involving the sum of the wave energies:

E b a = E b + E a = 2 E 

exists in the symmetrically opposite point in terms of the center of the mass of the system.

The mass that can be observed outside the system is therefore constituted by the sum of the masses of the two bodies and can be calculated by adding together the wave numbers of the two masses.

On the other hand, the wave energy along the segment identified with the distance in the space that separates the two bodies varies over time and oscillates cyclically between a minimum value 1 E and a maximum value 2 E.

To see how this happens, we must examine the situation of the wave state surrounding the two masses.

We freeze the wave surfaces at instant t1 in the figure and note that the “elementary” waves involved are not susceptible to interference and superimpose themselves on one another without interfering with each other like actual geometrical surfaces.

  • At time t1  (in case a) referring to instant t1, the wave surfaces originating in the mass ma become interspersed with the wave surfaces originating in mass mb both inside and outside the system and constitute a wave train the number of whose waves is the sum of the two wave numbers originating in the two bodies that make it up.
  • At time t(in case b), we see that as they propagate further in two opposite directions, the wave surfaces are superimposed on each other within the area between the two bodies whereas they continue to move forward together one after the other outside the system.

Between time t1 and time t2, the wave energy in the central zone of the system has passed with a “decreasing” energy variation,

from the value 2 E to value 1 E.

There is thus a precise zone surrounding each mass in which an asymmetrical variation in the wave energy is produced. It is located within the system in the space between the two masses.

In this zone, we find a negative variation of energy ΔE that creates a gap of negative energy toward which each of the two masses is impelled by the Principle of Relative Symmetry.

The situation of each mass is qualitatively the same as we have seen to be the case in the wave interpretation of inertia.

The emergence of a lack of wave energy that is asymmetrical with respect to each mass at the center of the system made up of the two masses is clear. In it, the gap of negative energy becomes established.

This creates a temporary imbalance in the wave energy surrounding each mass.

The situation outside the system has in fact remained unchanged in terms of energy as in the external zones the sum of the wave energies of the waves originating in both the first and second masses persists.

The temporary asymmetry in terms of the energy relative to each body triggers the Principle of Relative Symmetry and both masses shift toward the energy gap that has opened up between the two bodies to restore symmetry relative to the variation.

The variation is repeated each time the wave surfaces originating in the two masses intersect. This variation involving negative energy – DΔE takes a cyclical form with all the characteristics of a stationary wave variation that exists for the entire period of the interaction.

Could we call this cyclical variation a “negative wave”?

 If we wished to satisfy the expectations of the physicists who have sought a quantum expression of gravity, we could also use the name “graviton”, but we would have to recognize that it is not a particle, but a negative photon-wave train that does not propagate.

This wave train remains “stationary” in the space between the two bodies as it is the product of a negative variation of elementary energy that we could also call an   “antiphoton” with a frequency of

ν = 1/ tg

The period tg between each change from one value of the energy to the next within the system of the two masses is the inverse of the frequency of the negative wave and must be understood to be the time characteristic of the elementary wave action in the gravitational wave interaction.

It proves to be different for every pair of bodies and is linked to the value of the relativistic wavelength λ 1 of the elementary wave emitted subject to the Doppler effect in the direction of the motion of each of the masses m a and m b when the bodies are left free to move towards one another.

The ratio of time tg to the wavelength of the body λ1 remains constant in time and independent both of the distance between the bodies and of their motion.

Thus, when we remove the strings holding the two bodies motionless at the desired distance from one another, after a time tg, the Principle of Relative Symmetry responds to the asymmetry in the energy and set both bodies in motion in the direction toward the negative variation in wave energy within the system.

The momentum of each body will vary between zero and:  

p = m v.

Since Newton, the force of gravity has been derived primarily from the product of the masses. It is thus correct now to calculate it on the basis of the product of the numbers of waves emitted by the bodies as the numbers of these waves are directly proportional to their masses.

In the second part of the wave analysis of gravity, we will derive the inverse dependence of the gravitational interaction from the square of the distance between the two bodies. We will now continue by deducing other parameters in the gravitational wave interaction.

The time of the energy wave variation tg varies along the straight line that passes through the centers of the two bodies in the space between them.

The Doppler wavelength in front of bodies in motion also undergoes a variation. Thus, the only thing that does not vary during the whole time in which the masses are coming closer to each other is the ratio:

 tg / λ1, which yields a constant value of  λ/4c. 


 Picture 50.  The Principle of Relative Symmetry allows us to derive the fact that the product of the wave numbers of the two masses interacting gravitationally depends on their velocity and thus derive the first part of Newton’s formula.

Here we can see how the constant result of the ratio   tg / λ1 explains “why” gravitational acceleration is always constant.

The fact is that variations in the energies of the waves external and internal to the system of the two bodies where the waves are superimposed on one another remain constant regardless of the velocity that has been acquired by each body.

In fact, two variations are produced.

  1. The sum of the number of waves of the waves emitted backward by a body and the number of waves emitted forward by the other varies because the waves emitted backward grow longer by the Doppler effect while those emitted forward by the other body grow shorter.
  2. The sum of the two wave numbers varies by a double Doppler effect, first because one body is accelerating toward the other and second because the other body is accelerating toward the first.
  3. The energy variation within the system between the two bodies continues at a constantly increasing pace as the two bodies accelerate toward each other.
  4. Indeed, at the same time that the sum of the energies increases, the “variation” between  E1 and  E2 also increases and with it the “force” of the reaction due to the Principle of Relative Symmetry.

The two simultaneous variations in the gravitational interaction result in the constant acceleration of the two bodies and make them “appear” to attract each other.

In reality, however, they are continuing to fall into a growing gap of negative energy that opens and closes cyclically between them each time the waves traverse a quarter of their wavelength as they travel forward.

The wave situation we have observed for the two bodies tells us:

  1. “why” the force of gravity attracts,
  2. “why” it is directly proportionate to the value of the masses as sources of elementary waves,
  3. and “why” it develops along the straight line linking the two bodies.

We now also need to understand why it depends on the inverse of the square of the distance between the masses.

To understand the role of the square of the distance as the second variable in gravitation, we must consider the role played by the quantized properties of Schild’s discrete space-time in determining the gravitational wave interaction.

